Tales Of Mystery And Imagination

Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849)

Referencia: 002113
Editorial: Odhams Press Ltd
Año: [18..]
Ciudad: London
Medidas: 19x13
Paginación: 565
27.50€ Impuesto incluido Disponible

Tales Of Mystery And Imagination

Contiene: The gold-bug; William Wilson; Facts in the case of M. Valdemar; The Sphinx; Ms. found in a bottle; Eleonora; A descent into de Maelström; Conversation of Eiros and Charmion; The murders in the Rue Morgue; The mystery of Marie Rogêt; The purloined letter; The thousand-and-second tale; The fall of the House of Usher; Hans Pfaall; The pit and the pendulum; The domain of Arnheim; Landor's cottage; The premature burial; The assignation; The black cat; The masque of the red death; The spectacles; The cask of amontillado; The oval portrait; The tell-tale heart; Ligeia; The oblong box; Me; Silence; Hop-frog; The man of the crow; A tale of the ragged mountains; The imp of the perverse; Some words with a mummy; The devil in the belfry; The balloon hoax; Thou art the man; The colloquy of monos and una.

Cartoné y tela roja con encofrados dorados.